Compassionate leadership models the way of being that includes, builds, and sustains a deep level of caring, support, and partnership.

See me referenced in Mindful Magazine (August, 2016) under bookmark this book!







PRESENTATIONS: Upcoming workshops are in the planning stage. Please contact PACE at Oakland University for information related to workshops https://oakland.edu/pace/  

Mindfulness Pt. I

Mindfulness Pt. II with Self-Compassion

Mindfulness and Resotrative Practices- Two-Day Institute- with Bill Boyle  

Mindfuless Retreat

Mindfulness for Teacher and Educational Leaders

Mindfulness: Developing Resilience: Learning the Skills that Matter

Mindfulness: What is it and What is the Research? 

Mindfulness for Mental Health Workers Two-Day Institute

Mindful Well-Being

Building Resilience

Mindfulness: What is the Research? 


Other workshops in process of being scheduled check  https://oakland.edu/pace/

Online workshops booking now- Contact Professional Adult Contintuing Education (PACE) at Oakland University https://oakland.edu/pace/contact 

Current Online Offering: Responding to Anxiety: A Mindful Approach. Six Hours with SCECH or CEUs available. Contact https://oakland.edu/pace/


Recent Presentations:

Michigan Elementary and Middle School Principals Association (MEMSPA)

Administrative Personnel, Oakland University

McLaren Oncology Nurses, sponsored by Oakland University

International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership (ICPEL), Charlotte, North Carolina

Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Keynote Address. Women's Conference. MASA, Mackinac Island, MI

Mindfulness and Compassionate Leading. Women's Forum, AASA, Newport Beach, CA

Mindfulness for School Leaders: Oakland University, 

Mindfulness Retreat: Oakland University

Mindful Parenting: Raising Healthy and Resilient Children, Rochester PTO

Lullemon International Women's Day, Washington, MI

Mindfulness Pt. II and Self-Compassion

Mindfulness Pt I

Mindfulness for Leaders

Charlotte- Mecklenburg Schools, North Carolina

Summer Leadership Institute, Texas A&M

Mindful Leadership-  Oakland University

National Association of Elementary School Principals, National Harbor, MD

Learning Forward Annual Conference - Vancouver, Canada

School districts and Professional Organizations where Dr. Wells has presented:

Birmingham Public Schools                          Utica Schools

Clawson Middle School                                 Oakland Intermediate Schools

Rochester Community Schools                     Michigan Association of School Administrators (MASA)

Oak Park High School                                    Michigan Association of Secondary School Principals (MASSP)    

Chippewa Elementary Schools                      American Association of School Adminsitrators (AASA)

Clarkston Schools                                          Lenaswee Intermediate School District

Avondale Schools                                          Walled Lake Schools

Cedar Crest Academy                                    Grand Ledge Public Schools






arrowsMindful leadership involves qualities of compassion, listening, being with, awareness, acceptance, trust, and patience- all strongly associated with emotional intelligence factors such as empathy and self-awareness.arrows


arrowsMindful leadership involves qualities of compassion, listening, being with, awareness, acceptance, trust, and patience- all strongly associated with emotional intelligence factors such as empathy and self-awareness.arrows


Caryn Wells is available for half or full-day presentations in:

- Mindful Leadership

- Self-Compassion for Leaders

- Self-Compassion and Mindfulness

- Compassionate Leadership

- Mindfulness for Educators- Teaching Methods

- Resilience in the Organization

- Mindful Parenting

-Mindful Well-Being

-Trauma-Sensitive Mindfuiness

Full-day workshops to be scheduled- see Oakland University, under Search, type Mindfulness.


Online Workshops and Training. The following topics are available as two or three hour, or full day programs.

Mindfulness Programs Sponsored by Oakland University. Contact Dr. Caryn Wells at cmwells2@oakland.edu for details


Mindfulness Basics


Developing Resilience


Mindfulness for Teacher and Educational Leaders

Mindfulness for Organizational Leaders

Mindful Communication Skills

Mindful Leadership

Mindful Self-Compassion


Mindful Communication: Deep Listening

 Mindful Parenting

Mindful Resilience

Mindfulness for Mental Health Practitioners

Dealing with Anxiety

Mindfulness for Health Practitioners

Dealing with Burnout

Her book, Mindfulness: How School Leaders Can Reduce Stress and Thrive on the Job, was published in March, 2016, by Rowman and Littlefield. A quote from her book explained, “Mindful leadership involves qualities of compassion, listening, being with, awareness, acceptance, trust, and patience- all strongly associated with emotional intelligence factors such as empathy and self-awareness” (p. 112).

Leaders are subject to the stress of leading complex organizations, whether in business, education, health occupations, or noncivilian roles. Providing leadership in a time of distraction, preoccupation, and what often feels like ‘24/7’ connectivity is challenging. Helping leaders to thrive on the job and learn resilience after setbacks is the essence of her book and workshops.

There are new metrics to define mindful leadership and they involve what Daniel Goleman referred to as “The hard case for soft skills” (2000, p. 100). These soft skills are the essence of mindful leadership where being emotionally connected to people and showing compassion helps to build community in the workforce. Mindful self-compassion as described by Kristin Neff and Christopher Germer, is a means for building resilience and taking care of the self, rather than engaging with the voice of the inner critic, a voice that is often the default as people deal with stress and challenge.

To find out more about mindful leadership, mindful self-compassion, and how mindfulness practice can help you reduce stress and thrive on the job, or to inquire about a workshop or speaking engagement, contact Dr. Caryn Wells at cmwells2@oakland.edu

Contact Caryn Wells »

Ph.D. - Michigan State University, Educational Administration; Cognate in Business Management.

Ed.S. - Central Michigan University, Educational Administration.

M. Ed. - Wayne State University, Guidance and Couseling.

A.B. - Eastern Michigan University, English Language and Literature. Minor- Psychology

Training in Mindfulness

Mindfulness Training – Updated 2023

Sabbatical- Winter Term 2013- Study of Mindfulness

Sabbatical- Fall Term 2019- Mindfulness, Work-related stress, Resilience, Lean Management and Mindfulness, Mindfulness and Restorative Practice

Professional Development Leave- WInter Term. Mindful Resilience

Published book: Mindfulness: How School Leaders Can Reduce Stress and Thrive on the Job (2016) This book was featured in Mindful Magazine, in August 2016, under their list of recommend reading, “Bookmark this Book.” It was also selected by Oakland University as one of two books that received the “Authors at Oakland” distinction, of the 132 books written by professors over a two-year period of time.

Website-  carynwells.com

Professional Training

Professional Training in Mindfulness with Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD and Saki Santorelli, EdD. Rhinebeck, NY, 2011

11th Annual Scientific Conference in Mindfulness- Boston, MA-2013; Post conference one-day training with Saki Santorelli, EdD- Mindfulness

12th Annual Scientific Conference in Mindfulness- Boston, MA- 2014; Post conference in self-compassion with Christopher Germer, PhD- one day

Two Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) courses taught by Howard Schubiner, MD and Ruth Lerman, MD-  (8 weeks, each)

Inner Strengths of Successful Leaders, Harvard University- Half of the training featured mindfulness, 2013

Mindful Self-Compassion training- with Chris Germer, PhD and Kristin Neff, PhD - Joshua Tree, CA, 2014

Mindful Self-Compassion with Kristen Neff, PhD Ann Arbor, MI, 2015

Mindful Self-Compassion with Kristen Neff, PhD, Christopher Germer, PhD and Steven Hickman, PSY a UCSD advanced training in Self-Compassion, 2016

Mindful Self-Compassion Retreat- Petaluma, CA, 2017

Mindful Self Compassion for Adolescents- with Karen Bluth, PhD and Lorraine Hobbs, Whidbey Island, WA, 2017

Mindfulness for Educators, K-12 with Daniel Rechtschaffen- - Rhinebeck, NY, 2014

Mindfulness for Educators Part II, with Daniel Rechtschaffen, online program, 2017

Mindfulness Leadership Conference, Arlington, VA- Featuring Congressman Tim Ryan, Tara Brach, PhD; et al., Dan Goleman , PhD via video streaming. Additional training- one-day conference following summit with Fleet Maull- Mindfulness and Radical Acceptance, 2014

Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute, sponsored by Google- a program about Mindfulness in the workplace. Detroit, MI. 2018

Mindful Leadership with Lovingkindness Retreat, with Janice Maturano, JD, and Sharon Salzberg, Lenox, MA, 2018

Trauma-Informed Mindfulness, with Trish Magyari, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 2018.

Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness, with David Treleaven, PhD,  Rhonda Magee, JD,  and Florence Meleo-Meyer, with Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD via live streaming.  Sponsored by Brown University, Omega Institute, Rhinebeck NY.   August, 2019.

Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness, with David Treleaven, PhD. Brown University. Online. 2019

Advanced Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness with David Trealeaven, PhD Brown Univeristy, Online. March 2020.

The Science of Habit Change. A Mindful Approach with Judson Brewer, MD, PhD, and Robin Boudette, PhD. Online. June 2020

Mindfulness and Lean Management, Mike Orzen, 2021, Online

Mindful Practice: Enhancing Quality of Care, Quality of Caring and Resilience, 2021. Online. Ronal Epstein, MD; Mick Krasner, MD;Frederock Marshall, MD. University of Rochester

Mindful Practice in Medicine Facilitator Training. 2021, October. Ronald epstein, MD; Mick Krasner, MD; Frederick Marshall, MD. Batavia, NY

Numerous one-day retreats in Mindfulness

Related Training

Reiki- Levels One, Two, Three- Master Reiki Level Beaumont Hospital Integrative Medicine


Book Chapters

Wells, C. M. (2022). Mindful leadership: A new way of being under construction. In F. Enlglish (Ed.). The Palgrave Handbook of Educational Leadership and Management Discourse, (pp. 283-298).

Wells, C. M. (2022). Resilience, grwoth after adversity, and self-care: The new necessary for mindful principal preparation and talent development. S. Hayes (Ed.) Talent Development and Principal Preparation. Information Age Publishing. (pp. 225-248).

Publications- Refereed

Wells, C. M., & Klocko, B. A. (2018). Principal well-being and resilience: Mindfulness as a means to that end. NASSP: The Bulletin, 1-13.

Klocko, B.A., & Wells, C.M. (2015). Workload pressure of principals: A focus on renewal, support, and mindfulness. NASSP The Bulletin. 1-24. doi:10.1177/019263651561927

Wells, C.M. (2015). Conceptualizing mindful leadership: How the practice of mindfulness informs the practice of leading. Educational Leadership Review Doctoral Research, 2(1). 1-23

Wells, C.M., & Klocko, B.A. (2015). Can teacher leadership reduce principal stress? Journal of School Leadership, 25(2), 313-344.

Wells, C.M. (2013). Mindfulness is academia: Considerations for administrative preparation. Education Leadership Review, 14(3), 1-12.

Wells, C.M. (2013, Fall). Educational leaders describe a job too big for one: Stress reduction in the midst of leading. AASA Journal of Scholarship and Practice, 10(2), 32-45.

Wells, C.M. (2013). Principals responding to constant pressure: Finding a source of stress management. NASSP The Bulletin, XX(X), 1-15. doi: 10.1177/0192636543504453